
Прерпринти (відділ N19)

Автори / Назва



Arthur Veyrat, Valentin Labracherie, Rohith Acharya, Dima L. Bashlakov, Federico Caglieris, Jorge I. Facio, Grigory Shipunov, Lukas Graf, Johannes Schoop, Yurii Naidyuk, Romain Giraud, Jeroen van den Brink, Bernd Büchner, Christian Hess, Saicharan Aswarth
Bereziskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in the Weyl system PtBi2

Номер 2101.01620

Gamayunova N. V. , Kuzmiak M., Szabo P., Samuely P., Naidyuk Yu. G.
Superconductivity in hole-doped germanium point contacts

Номер 2109.01364

Bobrov N. L.
Reconstruction of the Electron-Phonon Interaction Function for Superconductors Using Inhomogeneous Point-Contacts and Background Correction in Yanson Spectra

Номер 2109.01344

Bobrov N. L.
Spectroscopy of electron-phonon interaction of superconducting point contacts: experimental aspects

Номер 2109.00806
