Leonid Golinskii's Homepage
Curriculum vitae

Name:  Golinskii Leonid Borisovich
Birth:  December 9, 1952
Citizenship:   Ukraine
Current position:   Leading Research Fellow
Affiliation:   Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering,
Ukrainian Academy of Sciences
Business address:   47 Nauky Avenue, Kharkiv 61103, Ukraine
Phone:   +38 057 3410966
Fax:   +38 057 3403370
e-mail:   golinskii@ilt.kharkov.ua
Highest degree:   Doctor of Sciences, 2003

Mathematical interest:   complex analysis and potential theory, harmonic analysis, perturbation theory of linear operators.

Current research:   spectral properties of Jacobi and banded matrices, Darlington synthesis, model spaces.

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