
Доповіді (відділ N12)

Автори / Назва



Mikhin N.P., Sokolov S.S.
NMR investigation phases of 3He adsorbed on MCM-41 one-dimensional nanotubes

"II IASC CM & LTP 2021"
Украина, Kharkiv
с 2021-06-06 по 2021-06-12

Sivokon V., Sokolova E., Sokolov S.
The structure and collective mibrations of electronic systems consisting of several chains

"II IASC CM & LTP 2021"
Украина, Kharkiv
с 2021-06-06 по 2021-06-12

Vrakina V.A., Kapuza S.S., Chagovets V.K.
Viscosity measurement of superfliud solutions 3He-4He using a quartz tuning fork

"II IASC CM & LTP 2021"
Украина, Kharkiv
с 2021-06-06 по 2021-06-12
