1.   V. Ya. Golodets and A. I. Danilenko,  Ergodic actions of Abelian groups and properties of their joint actions, Teoriya Funksii, Funkts. Anal. i ikh Prilozh.,  50(1988), 43--47 (in Russian), transl. in J. Soviet Math.,  49(1990), 1267--1269.

2.   S. I. Bezuglyi, V. Ya. Golodets and A. I. Danilenko,  On extension of 1-cocycles of dynamical systems on  normalizer elements, Dokl. Akad. Nauk UkrSSR, Ser. A,  1989, 3--5 (in Russian).

3. V. Ya. Golodets, A. I. Danilenko and S. I. Bezuglyi,  On cocycles of ergodic dynamical systems and automorphisms compatible with them, Adv. in Soviet Math.,  19(1994), 73--96.

4. A. I. Danilenko,  On cocycles compatible with normalizers of full groups of measure space transformations, Dop. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr., 1994,  No 7, 14--17.

5. A. I. Danilenko,  The topological structure of Polish groups and groupoids of measure space transformations, Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ., 31(1995), 913--940  (download). 

6. A. I. Danilenko,  Garding domains for unitary representations of countable inductive limits of locally compact groups, Matemat. Fizika, Analiz, Geometriya 3 (1996), 231--260 (download).

7. A. I. Danilenko and V. Ya. Golodets,  On extension of cocycles to normalizer elements, outer conjugacy and related problems, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 348(1996), 4857--4882 (download).

8. A. I. Danilenko,  Comparison of cocycles of measured equivalence relation and lifting problems, Ergod. Th. & Dyn. Syst.,  18(1998), 125--151 (download).

9. A. I. Danilenko, On non-coalescent ergodic skew products and semigroups of their commutors, Dop. Nats. Akad. Nauk Ukr.,  1998, No 9, 17--21.

10. A. I. Danilenko,  Quasinormal subrelations of ergodic equivalence relations, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.,  126(1998), 3361--3370 (download).

11.  A. I. Danilenko,  Endomorphisms of measured equivalence relations, cocycles with values in non locally compact groups and applicationsErgod. Th. & Dyn. Syst.  19(1999), 571--590 (download).

12. A. I. Danilenko and M. Lemanczyk,  Isometric extensions, 2-cocycles and ergodicity of skew  products, Studia Math., 137 (1999), 123--142 (download).

13. A. I. Danilenko,  Point realization of Boolean actions of countable inductive limits of locally compact groups, Matemat. Fizika, Analiz, Geometriya, 7(2000), 35-48 (download).

14. A. I. Danilenko,  On subrelations of ergodic measured type III equivalence relations, Colloq. Math. 84/85(2000), 13--22 (download).

15. A. I. Danilenko and T. Hamachi,  On measure theoretical analogues of the Takesaki structure theorem for type III factors, Colloq. Math.  84/85(2000), 485--493 (download).

16. A. I. Danilenko,  On cocycles with values in group extensions. Generic results, Matemat. Fizika, Analiz, Geometriya, 7(2000), 153--171 (download).

17. A. I. Danilenko,  Strong orbit equivalence of locally compact Cantor minimal systems, Internat. J. Math.12(2001), 113--123 (download).

18.  A. I. Danilenko,  Funny rank-one weak mixing for nonsingular Abelian actions, Isr. J. Math.,  121(2001), 29--54 (download).

19. A. I. Danilenko,  Entropy theory from orbital point of view, Monatsh. Math.,  134(2001), 121--141 (download).

20.  A. I. Danilenko and K. K. Park, Generators and Bernoullian factors for amenable actions and cocycles on their orbits, Ergod. Th. & Dyn. Syst.,  22(2002), 1715--1745 (download).

21.  A. I. Danilenko and C. E. Silva, Multiple and polynomial recurrence for abelian actions in infinite measure, J. London Math. Soc. 69(2004), 183--200 (download).

22.  A. I. Danilenko, Infinite rank one actions and nonsingular Chacon transformations, Illinois J. Math.,  48(2004), 769--786.

23. A. I. Danilenko and M. Lemanczyk, A class of multipliers for $\cal W^\perp$, Isr. J. Math.148(2005), 137--168 (download).

24. A. I. Danilenko,  Explicit solution of Rokhlin's problem on homogeneous spectrum and applications, Ergod. Th. & Dyn. Syst.,  26(2006), 1467--1490 (download).

25. A. I. Danilenko, Mixing rank-one actions for infinite sums of finite groups, Isr. J. Math., 156(2006), 341--358 (download).

26.  A. I. Danilenko and C. E. Silva,  Mixing rank-one actions of locally compact Abelian groups, Ann. Inst. H. Poincare', Probab. Statist., to appear (download).

27.  A. I. Danilenko,  On simplicity concepts for ergodic actions, J. d'Analyse Math., to appear (download).