
Senior Researcher

E-mail: ponomarchuk@ilt.kharkov.ua

Tel: +38-057-3308503; Fax: +38-057-3335593



Graduated from Dnepropetrovsk State University in1969.


PhD Phys & Math, ILTP&E, 1985


Staff position Senior Researcher since 1998

Permanent staff of ILTP&E since 1969



Research area

Messbauer study of the hyperfine interactions in the magneto-ordered crystals under conditions of stimulation of coupled oscillations of the electron and nuclear spins.

Selected recent results:

1.     Effects of the dynamic polarization of the nuclear spins, and of the dynamical shifts of the fundamental frequencies of the nuclear magnetic as well as ferromagnetic resonances under the circumstances of the crossing, parametric pumping and magneto-elastic resonance were revealed and studied (1981).

2.    Short-range magnetic ordering was revealed in the HTSC samples, appearing of which correlates with the transition to the superconducting state (1995).

3.     The effect of the photoinduced change of the hyperfine magnetic field on the 57Fe in the antiferromagnetic semiconductors (1995).

Publications: total 27 scientific publications and 2 authors sertificats.

Recent publication:

V.V.Eremenko, D.V.Lukashov, and V.L.Ponomarchuk, Magnetic polarons in Y-Ba-Cu-O chains, Low Temp. Phys., 28, 830 (2002).